Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Almost Mystical

Before our departure from Camp Taylor, Jeannie took Cassie and me up to see the Lakota Wolf Preserve, which is on the camp property.  Remember yesterday we didn't walk all the way there because of the terrifying snake.

This morning we were safe in the minivan all the way to the pens! 
Beautiful animals, and they put on quite a show with their howling, right up until I tried to video them.

And here's the lake.  Looks just the way I remember from way back in the 70s!

We thought we'd go to Connecticut, but decided as we drove to try finding some more family first.  In Glen Spey there was NO CELL SERVICE! So we stopped at the Post Office to ask directions to the cemetary.  This was not the same Post Office building where Daniel served as postmaster. 

Once at the cemetary it was easy to find Daniel and Nettie.  A little more walking around and we found more Gillespies.

{Note to Ginger: I took a few more photos in case you want them.  One we think might be Mary Porter's mom?  Margaret.}

Lovely view from the road to Glen Spey. 

After the cemetary, we turned toward Mystic Connecticut.  Stopped on the way for lunch and haircuts.  We so pretty!

Mystic Seaport tomorrow, then perhaps Vermont.


Mikieg said...

Yes please for the pictures, if you could email or ?

Mikieg said...

Still a little jealous of the fun you are having.
Keep it up

The other sister said...

You ARE so prettay!!!