Saturday, May 9, 2009

loaves and fishes

i was just about done cooking dinner last night when arnold arrived home with three of his friends (they were working on a project for school that involved a video camera and rock star for playstation). my first reaction was "oh no! we don't have enough dinner!" but then, as if from above, i could almost hear the voice of reason -- Tim Gunn saying "Make it work!" and of course it was fine.

pasta with alfredo sauce, smoked sausage, roasted asparagus (lori got me hooked on that!), and my awesome parmesan bread.

leftovers, anyone?


mikestribe said...

Yeah! Brenda the miracle worker, pasta always seems to have a way of streching.

The other sister said...

You got that gene from Mom: the make it stretch and feed whoever comes in the door gene. I didn't inherit that.


Anonymous said...

Make it work should be our motto for life! Good job.