Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

 Last night I was making a frozen white chocolate mousse to take to our friend's home for dinner today.  Cassie saw the spatula that came with the springform pan and said "This looks like a pregnancy test."  I said "Pee on it.  Maybe you're having a cheesecake."

And then of course I cracked up because I think I am SO funny!

Oh, and that mason jar on the blender thing you saw on Pinterest?  Thought that was brilliant and decided to try making the raspberry sauce right in the jar.  Nope. Not with my blender, anyway.  Leaked all over. Oh, well.

This morning after I found most of my Easter eggs (Cassie took all my important stuff -- coffee mug, laptop, kindle, cell phone, etc. -- and I had to find the eggs to get it back), I made myself breakfast.  Cassie does not like quiche, and I have a cute little springform pan, so I made one little quiche using a quarter of an olive oil pie crust recipe, gruyere, bacon, scallions and thyme, and of course a couple of eggs and milk.  It was totally yummy.

It's a beautiful day in Sitka!  Hope you are all having a wonderful Easter.


Mikieg said...

Well? are you having cheesecake?

Dawn said...

Happy Easter to you!!! I hope you're having cheesecake! I think you guys are just such a sweet family. Missed you today! love and hugs.

The other sister said...

I laughed out loud at the peeing on the stick thing. You are hilarious!!! XOXOXO

Emilee said...

The spatula picture popped up on my feed and I thought to myself "What the heck, is that really Brenda's blog?? Who is pregnant?!?!" And then I read it and laughed that I wasn't the only one who thought that. I miss you lovely!

Laura M said...

I definetly thought that was a pregnancy test stick haha! Btw the cheesecake joke was hilarious