Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Day, Last Day

A belated "First Day of High School" post! Cassie started school way back on August 24th, I just didn't get this posted. So far she is liking high school. With some prompting from Arnold and me, she has joined the yearbook staff, and plans to join the Drama and Debate team.

Yesterday was Arnold's last day in Sitka, so I skipped the usual Saturday housecleaning and we enjoyed some family time. Here are the kids in Cassie's favorite tree at Old Sitka. There were LOTS of goofy pictures, too.

Arnold didn't want a going-away party, but last night several of his friends came over and they watched the "GI Joe" movie.

He and Cassie said their goodbyes early this morning, and Arnold and I arrived at the airport just as they were announcing the final boarding call. Fortunately Sitka's airport is very small, and all he had with him was his ID and his cell phone (which will be mailed back to the house tomorrow -- he can't have it at boot camp). Another bonus of arriving late -- no time for teary good-byes at the airport!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I miss him for you!