Thursday, January 7, 2010

Having an Epiphany

Yesterday I finally got our Christmas letter in the mail. And on the Feast of the Epiphany -- the official end of the Christmas season. So think what you will, they really aren't late. :-)

Tidbits inadvertently omitted from the Christmas letter: Arnold was selected for the All Alaska Jazz Band (I told him I did that on purpose because the band doesn't perform until February, but he said "I was SELECTED in 2009"), and Cassie earned her Girl Scout Silver Award in October. They just do too many wonderful things. I can't keep track of them all.

Odd that the southern part of the country is so cold when we are having rain here and temps in the 40s. I'm not complaining ( I love the rain!), but we are a bit fearful that we'll be paying for this later when winter really decides to visit.

Coming soon: Iron Chef Sitka, Season 2. The secret ingredient has not yet been decided. Suggestions welcome. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Rachael Papes said...

I hope you have my address so that I get a letter!!