Saturday, January 5, 2013

shaking things up a bit in the new year

I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and was sleeping when the earthquake hit.  I woke to my bed shaking and Cassie coming down the hallway.  I thought she had a flashlight in her hand, but it was her phone.  I said "Cassie, what are you doing?"  She then informed me that there was an earthquake.

Within minutes the tsunami siren was going off and telling us to move to higher ground.

So we're standing there thinking "what should we do?"  And I say "I want to wait for the phone call giving us more information." And the phone rang!  And it wasn't the police department with more information, it was our friend and neighbor from uphill, Jane, who said "you wanna come here?"  And I said "Yes!  Thank you!"

And then I hung up and said "God bless, Jane!"

So we drove up the hill and waited at Jane's house.  Everybody except me was on a phone texting or checking facebook or googling.  I don't have a smart phone.

Obviously we're fine because I'm posting here.  We sat and waited for the wave that was to arrive at 12:45 a.m.  It was, of course, pitch black outside so we couldn't see anything.  The All Clear didn't sound until 2:20 a.m. but we had come home by then.

What we need to do now:

  • Put together a disaster kit.  
  • Make a soundtrack for disasters (you can only sing "I feel the earth move under my feet" or "Shake it up, baby" in your head so many times before it gets old).
  • Shop for an evacuation wardrobe (this was Cassie's idea.  I hope she picks outfits for us that look like Katniss').

1 comment:

Mikieg said...

only a 7.5, and 6 inch tide rise, glad that was all. better start watching doomsday preppers, for ideas on disaster kits. good luck on the katniss clothes.