Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lost and Found

I misplaced my flash drive so long ago that I don't remember when I last saw it.

Today when we were at the drug store looking for things to mail to Arnold in Kuwait (his 21st birthday is next Saturday!), Cassie said "let's go see if Marshall is working and ask him for suggestions."  Arnold's friend Marshall sometimes works at the photo counter at the back of the drug store.  He wasn't there, but for some reason I thought "I should ask if I left my flash drive here."  The girl that was working there was obviously new, and more interested in her snack than her job, but I described the flash drive and she got up and looked around and FOUND IT.  Woot!

This afternoon I was talking to Cassie about what a coincidence it was that I put on my rosary bracelet yesterday (I don't often wear it), and that I just happened to be sitting in the church praying when Fr. Thomas came in to get ready for the rosary for Mary.  I did not even remember that it was scheduled. Then I mentioned to Cassie that I still can't find my rose quartz rosary and she said "it's in a purse."  I explained that I'd looked in EVERY purse, multiple times and also all of my dresser drawers.  She went and looked in the Coach Scribble Tote (which was in HER room), and found my rosary.  Woot, again!

What else have we lost?  Because today is the day for finding stuff.

This morning I was looking at tennis rackets online and pondering whether or not to order a pair.  I looked out the front window, and across the street on the side of the road was . . .

a tennis ball!

Probably dropped by some dog, but I'm wondering if that was supposed to be a sign.  What do you think?  Tennis, anyone?